Saturday, March 30, 2013


Went out for a solid seven-miler this morning, in great weather conditions. Light wind and cloudy, with temps in the 60s. I went out about 10:30, after eating two slices of buttered toast and half a glass of water.

I'm pleased with the result-- my average heart rate was 149, average pace 9:11. I've been working on keeping my HR lower, and this is a positive step, attributable, in part, to taking a bottle of water out with me. I also ran past the spigot in the park where I can refill. 

I also want to give a big shout out to whomever put a 2x4 down at a particularly muddy crossing point near the train trestle I cross underneath. This spot is popular for photographers, so perhaps someone put it down for that reason. Anyhow, it stays muddy there long after the rain has left town, and I used to have to slow down to find a stable enough place to plant and cross. Having that board there is big time and allows me to keep my stride.

This brings the weekly total to 20. I missed a three-miler Friday morning, but no worries, since there is no real plan to work. I'm starting to think I need a maintenance plan to stay accountable to myself and be a little more practical about building mileage. 

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